Common Questions

Is solar financially beneficial to me?
Now is a fantastic time to install solar. Solar electricity per kilowatt has become cheaper than traditional electricity. Solar PV also protects customers from rising electricity rates. A 26% federal tax credit is a substantial incentive. Simple payback of 10 years or less for most people planning to stay in their homes is good financial planning.
Will it be cheaper later?
It may be cheaper later on. Anything is possible in an ever changing politcal landscape. Utility electricity rates are also expected to be more expensive. We can not let the perfect rule over very good. Waiting delays your energy freedom and opportunuty to reduce Climate Change.
How does solar impact my property's value?
Studies show that homes with solar PV energy systems sell for more than homes without.
Can my system be uninstalled if I need a new roof?
In our site assesment, we advise you if the roof will need replacing or is not fit for solar. Since it would cost money to have panels uninstalled, we would recommend a new roof if there are concerns about lifetime.
What are the warranties on the equipment?
We are a REC panel authorized installer and our REC Alpha panels have a 25 year warranty. Our inverters from SMA and SolarEdge, come with 10 and 12 year warranties respectively.
Does solar work in the winter?
Solar PV does generate in the winter and you are still connected to the electric grid. The electricity your system generates still helps offset your bill, and the utility is always there to supply electricity when the solar cannot. The utility meter tracks what you import and export to the grid, and will "net" the difference.
What is Net Metering?
The Net Metering Tariff allows excess solar PV production to be monetized each month. The NM Credit is availble for when demand exceeds production. For instance July and August NM credits may be used to offset January or February bills.
Is it true I can have my net metering credits be sent to another account?
True. Customers are allowed to allocate their net metering credits to another account in the same utility territory.
How do I know if my home is a good fit?
Call 413-772-3122 and we will set up an appointment for John to come out and conduct a solar site assesment.